Master BroAndrew
Rev AA Scutt

In the world of The Land of Ho

Visit The Land of Ho

Completed 1756 Words

Chapter Six

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They’d been travelling a little over an hour when they were faced with the first test of their resolve, they were not going to find it easy to proceed judging by the size of the fallen tree stretching the full width of the road. They would have to move it, there was no going around. Even though their Warden’s Cart was old it was still well equipped and there was a plentiful supply of ropes they could put to good use. It didn’t take long for Matt to organise his colleagues into a working party, the removal of the tree their task. Max, the mule, would also be roped in to help. In spite of the howling gale and driving rain all was going well and according to plan. They had got ropes around the tree and, with the aid of a pulley arrangement using some nearby sturdy branches, the tree was moving, albeit painfully slow, until…’Crack!’ The rope snapped sending a cat o'nine tales frayed end whipping by Marc’s head, causing him to dive into the mud.

‘You okay there, youngun?’ shouted Matt.

‘Glug, glug, splutter, cough! Was all they got from the youngster.

‘He’s okay,’ said Milo, ‘’just a bit shaken I’d say and very muddy.’

‘I think we’d better try two ropes. These ones are as old as the cart, and should have been replaced ages ago.’ Said a disgruntled Matt. It took another hour to get the tree moved and to get under way again, Tired, cold and thoroughly wet through they forged their way on towards the mountains and though they were bedraggled their spirits were surprisingly high, they had not been troubled by any of the nasties the Darkness could call upon, which was both a relief and a little unnerving. The question was, if not now, when? There was certainly some trouble in store and the party were getting the idea that they were being played with. The Darkness could have attacked them at any point along the way but only the storm was hindering them

‘This is too easy,’ Voiced Matt, thinking aloud.

‘What did you say?’ Asked Marc.

‘Oh, I was just thinking we were making pretty good time, considering.’ 

‘You reckon eh? Well I was thinking it’s been too easy, that's what I think. Even with the tree.’

‘Yeah, well, only another hour and we’ll be seeing the mountains.’

Normally on a trip like this arrangements would be made to take at least one rest break but on this occasion they simply dare not, they had already lost valuable time. During the course of the journey the Crystal Egg had begun to  glow and was getting noticeably brighter as time went on. From this, together with the information gleaned from the Old Annals, Gwen deduced that something was imminent. The clock was gaining apace. She felt a strong sense of foreboding. Had they not acted quick enough, would they be too late? These thoughts crowded her mind, making it difficult to think clearly. Even so, one thing she did have was the assurance gained from having the Crystal in their possession.

‘There she is!’ Shouted an excited Marc as the mountain came into view. The mountains surrounding Windy Ho numbered three, forming a triangle, two smaller ones either side of the big one, something of a geological phenomena peculiar to this part of the Far North. If they had tourists it would surely be an attraction. This central mountain was the one they had to climb 

 ‘Well that wasn’t so bad,’ remarked Milo as he and Gwen were preparing to disembark from the cover of the cart, both stretching limbs that had been cramped up in the small space of a cart not made for passenger travel.

‘Hmm,’ Gwen muttered.

‘That all you have to say, aren’t you relieved that’s over, I am?’

‘Okay, everybody out!’ Cried Matt, ‘we’re there.’

After such a long and miserably uncomfortable journey it was good for all to leave the cart and refamiliarise themselves with their limbs and blood circulation, though they were still cold and wet. The once saving grace now being that the rain had stopped.

‘Hello, what’s this?’ ‘Who knows we’re here?’ Matt voiced the surprise of everyone for standing at the start of the path up the mountain was the figure of Mo Underwood.

‘Ah! I am so glad you made it, I was worrying, you should have been here some time ago, any trouble?’ This was the last person they expected to see here, he was left with Gwen’s niece still recuperating. ‘I couldn’t stand the suspense waiting for you, I mean it was a very bad storm.’ He continued.

‘Well let’s not just stand here chatting, we’ve got a task to perform, come on.’ Matt was anxious to get moving.

‘Maybe I can help?’ Asked the farmer.

‘The more the merrier, eh?’ Offered Milo. with that the party moved off up the path. Gwen was carrying the egg, holding it very close to her body.

 They had only gone a little way up when Mark commented, quietly, to Gwen that he was surprised at how clean and dry the farmer’s boots were, maybe her niece had cleaned them for him, which was kind of her.

‘Hmm!’ Muttered Gwen. a little further on she decided to engage Mo in a little light conversation. ‘I hope my niece looked after you well?

‘Huh?Oh, yes, very well, most kind.’ Mo Underwood was visibly uncomfortable.

‘Did she say anything about you leaving to meet us?’ Asked Gwen.

‘Huh, oh no, she was fine, said getting out for some air and a little exercise would do me good.’

‘Hmm, good.’ replied Gwen before excusing herself and moving off ahead to speak to Matt who was leading. No sooner had she reached him when the farmer rushed up, pushed her aside while snatching the egg from her grasp. What followed next came as a great shock to everyone but Gwen.  

The moment Mo Underwood grabbed the egg two things happened. The egg glowed brilliant white and Mo let out a blood curdling scream and dropped the item onto the ground where it shattered into many pieces. 

All were stunned into silence as they stared at the many shards of crystal that lay at their feet. Their hopes of saving the settlement just lay there in pieces along with the shards. It was Marc who broke the spell when he yelled, ‘Mr. Underwood, look at Mr.Underwood!’

Standing at only arm’s length was the figure of Mo Underwood, or was it? The figure was cradling his hands in his arms, or what was left of his hands for they had been so badly burned as to make them unrecognisable. 

‘What the…?’ Began Matt.

‘It’s as I suspected,’ said Gwen. Standing before you, my  friends, is not Mo Underwood but a “Puka”, or “Sneep”, a shapeshifter if you like, working for The Darkness. I was wondering when they’d show up.’

‘Glasses lady talking in riddles again,’ chipped in Marc.

‘You’re all doomed, every last one of you damn Peeps, doomed, d’yuh hear me, doomed!’ The figure that had been the farmer let out a maniacal  howl then vanished in little puffs of black dust.

‘Few!’ Was Marc’s response, which was echoed by Milo. ‘Didn’t expect that.’ Added the latter.

‘That’s it then?’

Nobody correcting, agreed or disagreed with Marc’s last remark but stood silently looking at the spot where lay the pieces, all that was left of their hopes and endeavours.

‘Come on boys, we’re not beaten yet, if what I read is true and it has been so far then we still have a chance. We must get these shards to the top as planned and then have a little faith.’

The Wardens looked at each other, then at Gwen and then Matt said, ‘You heard the lady, let’s get moving. Then, perhaps when this is over she’ll explain to us about what we’ve just witnessed? He was looking at Gwen when he said this.

‘You will need to know because we will be troubled by them again.’ With that they started to climb and as they went higher the thunder began to rumble again and lightning flashed making the late afternoon as bright as midday.

‘That’s great, that is. All we need now is the perishing rain.’

‘’Don’t say that, Milo, you’ll put a hex on things.’ Quipped Marc. And before he’d finished saying this the rain hit them, hit them like ice cold arrows.

‘See!’ Yelled Marc.

‘Keep moving!’

‘Look!’ Yelled Marc, pointing down to where they had come from. Down the mountain, moving towards them, was an inky black cloud from which emerged tiny black clouds that eventually morphed into black animals resembling hounds. These were all too familiar to both he and Matt, they had encountered them before, some three years ago, only then they had the help of a real life dragon. Now all they had was what remained of a crystal dragon’s egg.

Matt turned to Gwen and said, ‘Look, we’re not far from the top so you and young Marc go on ahead and Milo and me will deal with these doggies.’

‘You won’t stand a chance, you’re dealing with powers you can’t possibly understand, let alone deal with.’ Although they both knew she was right, there wasn’t much else they could do.

‘You never know, Gwen, we might just get lucky. Now off you go and do what you must do. We’ll be fine and we’ll catch you up when we’re done.’ He detected a tear on her eye as she leaned forward and gently kissed his cheek. ‘Go!’ He said, ‘Go!’

Matt took Marc aside and explained to him what had been discussed between Him and Gwen and how he was counting on Marc to protect Gwen. Before he could protest Gwen grabbed Marc’s arm and the pair reluctantly left for the peak, leaving Matt and Milo to face the Puka and maybe pull off the impossible as they stood side by side facing the oncoming Dark Menace and ITS hordes.

‘I don’t mind telling you, Matt, that I am more than a little scared right now.’



‘Well that’s a relief, I thought I was the only one’

The two laughed that hollow laugh of the condemned, swords and axes in hand.

‘Something else,’ Said Milo.

‘What’s that?’

‘It’s been an honour serving with you.’

‘Ditto, my friend, ditto.’ Then Matt shouted, ‘To your left, to your left!’

 ‘I see ‘im.’

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