Master BroAndrew
Rev AA Scutt

In the world of The Land of Ho

Visit The Land of Ho

Completed 457 Words

Chapter Three

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‘Come in, make yourselves comfortable, I'll just get some more wood for the fire.’ Matt and Milo entered Gwen’s peculiar igloo-shaped abode situated on the very edge of the Settlement’s most Northern point . They were going to discuss what could be done about the egg with Mystic Gwen, no less. This was a real honour for the two Wardens. ‘Now then, tea, anyone?’ Said Gwen upon her return with more kindling. ‘I expect you could do with something a little stronger maybe. It certainly is a cold one out there tonight.’

‘Tea’ll be just fine, Madam Gwen, after all, we’re on duty.’

‘Of course, do forgive me, it’s just that I don’t do a lot of entertaining visitors, I’m a little rusty in that area.’ They were seeing her in a completely new light, suddenly before them was a vulnerable little lady just wanting to please but a little ill at ease.

‘That’s absolutely fine Madam…’

‘Just call me Gwen, please.’

 ‘That’s fine, er, Gwen, Now what have you got by way of ideas as to what action we should be taking, regarding the egg?’ Matt wished to move the conversation on to the business in hand so as to avoid any further embarrassment.  Both he and Milo were not one hundred percent comfortable in this charming lady’s presence. Charming she was but there was also a formidable air about her. One knew one could go so far and no further. Caution was called for even though in this instance all were allies.


‘Well,’ began Gwen, ‘I thought that perhaps a little look at the item in question, do you think?’

‘Not a bad idea,’enthused Milo.

Ever thoughtful Matt pointed out that there is a risk in this. ‘The storm might kick off again,’ he added, ‘and there does appear to be a strong connection according to Mo’s story.’

‘As soon as Mo is strong enough we’ll have a little chat with him, see what he says. Until then I suggest you boys go back home and get some rest.

I think you’re going to need it.’ So, that was then, the magic moment had gone from them, they had been dismissed, albeit nicely, and there was to be no more action this night. They bid farewell to Madam Gwen and made their way back to the Settlement and their office. They were both silent all the way there, each deep in his own thoughts. Once at the office it was clear there wasn’t much to do that couldn’t wait till morning, so the door was locked.

‘Goodnight Milo, see you on the morrow.’

‘Yeah, right, see you then.’ With that the two friends went their own way both wondering what lay ahead of them

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