Master BroAndrew
Rev AA Scutt

In the world of The Land of Ho

Visit The Land of Ho

Completed 751 Words

Chapter One

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          ‘It’s true, it’s true, I’ve seen it.’


‘Honestly, young Marc, your imagination is going to get you into trouble one of these days. Now you move along. We have a job to do.’


The two walked on through the forest in silence but only for a short time before Marc, who could hardly contain his excitement, burst out again.  ‘Look Matty, we’re not far from where I saw it. It won’t take us much out of our way. Come on, this is important.’


Matty the older of the two, by one year, was taken with the earnestness of his young companion’s plea and even though he was an elder of his people and so was considered wiser in the ways of the world, relented and said, ‘Okay youngster, take me to see this wondrous thing you claim to have seen but once we have satisfied your imagination we must get on with our task. Okay?’


It was more than okay as far as Marc was concerned and he wasted no time in leading his older, wiser companion away from their original path and along one at an acute right angle to it which led them eventually to the edge of the forest. Leaving the trees they made their way first through rough grass and then stony ground till they came to seriously rocky ground. They stopped briefly, taking in the change of terrain. Now the ground began to gently rise as they wound their way through rock formations ever increasing in size.


‘Okay, young’n, this is far enough. We are not prepared for mountain climbing, which incidentally, you never mentioned anything about. Besides, I haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary so far so let’s end this little folly of yours and get back on  track.’


But, before Matty finished speaking his young companion had set off and disappeared behind a massive boulder. One second later Marc's excited voice could be heard, ‘It’s here, it’s true. Come see!’ Matty caught up with his friend and the moment he rounded the rock he came to a stop, almost tripping over his own feet. There was a stunned silence followed by, ‘Oh my, my oh my!’ from the elder.

Marc was bubbling over with excitement, happy to share his discovery with his friend who will now verify the authenticity of his discovery when they return to the settlement. ‘Isn’t it beautiful, a real treasure.’ He enthused, almost dancing on the spot.


After a few moments of his young friend’s babbling, Matty turned to him and quietly said, ‘Do you know what you have stumbled on, have you any idea?’

‘A treasure, of course,’ said Marc, detecting an unwelcome seriousness in his friend’s tone.


‘That, my son, is what remains of an egg.’


‘An egg!?’


‘An egg, a very special egg too.’


This was not possible to young Marc’s mind. He couldn’t imagine what sort of a creature could come from an egg so massive.


          Matty’s next words certainly got the fire crackers of excitement going off inside young Marc head.


          ‘That there egg housed none other than a Dragon.’


          ‘Noo, really?’


          ‘Really, a drag…what was that!?’ Matty’s attention was caught by a slight movement among the rocks just a little further up the mountain. ‘I thought I saw something move …must be mistaken. Come on Marc, let’s get back to the Settlement, as quickly as possible. There’s no time to waste.’


          From the moment they had come to stand before the egg the two diminutive Peeps, each standing no more than a metre high, had been watched keenly by a pair of inquisitive eyes not visible to them. Eyes that had been watching them with a mixture of curiosity, awe, amusement and fear. Since emerging from the safety of cover, which had been its home since no memory, it was clear that there was so much to be learned and in order to function properly it must be learned as quickly as possible. These strange little creatures who had been staring at the egg were the only sources of learning and therefore must be kept in sight, for the time being.


          ‘Come on’, said Matty, trying in vain to sound casual and not the least bit agitated. ‘We must report this to the Council. Move!’ With this they set off as fast as their little legs could carry them

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