Explorers of StarSea™ (EOSS) is a world inspired by 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Treasure Island, Treasure Planet, and other similar genres. In EOSS, players find adventure exploring uncharted seas filled with unknown islands, hidden mysteries, and challenging foes. Instead of sailing on waters, players sail on seas of
void and
æther, commanding age-of-sail
starships built to withstand the forces of the seas and to challenge the foes found therein.
StarSea is itself divided into
7 seas, from the deep blue of the
Azure Sea to the treacherous
Raging Sea. As with the early era of exploration of the 7 seas of Earth, these seas remain largely uncharted, and promise wealth and adventure for those with the courage to set sail and discover the unknown.
Each sea has 3 levels that can be explored. On the
Open Sea,
Mortal explorers will discover and chart floating
islands filled with mystery and fascinations. Above, on the
High Sea, as near to living
stars as one can travel, players navigate powerful storms, and discover
Majestic creatures seemingly born out of myth. And below, in the
Deep Sea, great
treasure guarded by terrible
Monsters awaits. Each of these sea levels provides their own challenges and rewards, and each requires specialized vessels and well-earned skill to traverse their unique environs.
Much like Jason and the Argonauts, or Sinbad’s adventures, Explorers of StarSea™ is a fantasy setting. However, that fantasy is placed in a context of elemental
alchemy and
sigils, the spiritual, abyssal forces of
mystica, and the incomprehensible power of futuristic
fringe science.
Welcome to the world of StarSea.
Note that the mythology of the Explorers of StarSea™ setting is still in development, so some setting rules may change. We are also hard at work on the Tabletop Roleplaying Game (TTRPG) rules called FxRPG that will support this setting.
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